Save Hindu Religion

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Aawahayaami (आवाहयामी)

आवाहयामी आवाहयामी
आवाहयामी आवाहयामी।। 

दिर्घोष देवां परीपूर्ण सिन्धुं
ज्ञानेव रुपं पारीचिन्तयामी। 
सिन्धु वतां पूर्ण मदैव तुभ्यं
गुरुत्वं शरण्यं गुरुत्वं शरण्यं।। 

जानामी पूजां जानामी ध्यानं,
जानामी वेदो वेद वाक्यं। 
जानामी तिर्थो ध्यानं चैवं
एकोही मन्त्रं गुरुत्वं शरण्यं।।

तातो माता बन्धु र्न भ्राता
पुत्रो पुत्री भ्रित्योर भर्ता। 
जाया वित्तं ब्रितिर्ममेवं
त्वमेवं शरण्यं त्वमेवं शरण्यं।। 

त्वं ब्रह्म रुपं रुद्र स्वरुपं
बिष्णु स्वरुपं देव स्वरुपं। 
आत्म स्वरुपं ब्रह्म स्वरुपं
गुरुत्वं शरण्यं गुरुत्वं शरण्यं।। 

आवाहयामी परीपूर्ण सिन्धुं
त्वमेवं सदाहं परीपश्र्वरुपं। 
आवाहयामी गुरुवे वदन्तं
त्वमेवं शरण्यं त्वमेवं शरण्यं।।

शिशुमेव रुपं ज्ञानं ध्यानं
एकोही चिन्त्यं भगवतस्वरुपं।
आवाहयामी मम प्राण रुपं,
त्वमेवं शरण्यं त्वमेवं शरण्यं।। 

आवाहयामी आवाहयामी
आवाहयामी आवाहयामी।।  

Friday, November 22, 2013

Know about Kundalini

                                                                                  "Awakening Of                Kundalini"
Time flies by, ages pass away and names of even the so called great men are wiped off from the pages of history. Yet some defy even the Power of Time and continue to shine through eternity. These are the names of the enlightened ones who dedicated their lives to search for the truth, for the Divine. Their sole aim in life was to attain totality and this they could achieve through awakening of the Kundalini.
The human body is the most excellent boon conferred by the Almighty and the person who comprehends his own body completely, realises the subtle mysteries of the entire universe. All universal faculties are concentrated as the force of life inside a human body which the scriptures term as the vital power (Pran Shakti). The condensed form of the same vital forces is known as 'Kundalini Shakti' which is the rock bottom of all the energies and power of action inherent in a human being. As this divine power remains dormant just like the coil of a snake, it has been designated as 'Kundalini Shakti' or the 'serpent Power'. For the purpose of Self-Realisation, a man through his 'Sushumna' (spine) tries to uplift this Kundalini Shakti in an upward tract and crossing all the Chakras (subtle spinal centres) tries to unite it with 'Sahastrar'.
When the aspirant emerges successful in his endeavour, he gets divine vision and visualising his real form though his divine eye, he feels overwhelmed with ecstasy and thus liberates himself from the corporeal bondages of life and death.

Know the real meaning of Mantra Yantra Tantra

It is a divine combination of divine syllables or sounds which when chanted with devotion,faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or deity and secure their divine blessings. For divine help one must link with divine forces but majority of humans are unaware of these forces and have no link whatsoever. But when an individual starts chanting Mantra related to a particular deity regularly the gap between him and the concerned divine force steadily decreases. By regular use of Mantra a subtle link is formed and through this one could then obtain any desired boon within the power of the deity. One could obtain wealth, prosperity, fame, fearlessness, success and spiritual upliftment, but for each a different Mantra is chanted and a different deity propitiated.
A Mantra is a special set of words through only that particular deity could be summoned. If I write or speak in Chinese you won't be able to understand and my words will not produce any effect. But if I speak the language you know its effect shall be with doubt. Praying to these deities in one's language won't help much but if one uses the words that they can understand the result shall be instant.
These words are the Mantras evolved by Rishis and Yogis who actually prepared them and used them to prove their worth. Over the ages these have helped thousands of Sadhaks achieve even that which appeared impossible to them. Within doubt that whose chanting fulfils one's wish is a Mantra.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Siddha Mahayog held in Antarastriya siddhashram sadhak pariwar earlier in Delhi bajar,kathmandu ,Nepal

                                        Siddhayog Swami "1008 Krishna Das Maharaj"

                             "Manra laya Hath Raaj  Yoga Aaryo Vhumika kramat
                               Ekam Aabam Chaturytha Mahayoga Mithiyate"

Origin of the Siddhamahayoga is the land of Nepal. True Guru of Siddhamahayoga is Lord Pashupatinath (Sada Shiva). Pashupathinath is the remover of darkness and sins and the giver of knowledge, pease and shivatwa (qualities of shiva). Now days due to malpractice, selfishness, materialistic of some guru and disciple this Yoga (Siddhamahayoga) which is also called Pashupatmahayoga is vanished; in such condition, everybody is confused about the true knowledge and perfect guru. However, Lord Pashupatinath graces us and he has sent the revered guru Shree Siddhababa Krishnadas Maharaj, among us to bless us with such a rare yoga (Siddhamahayoga, Pashupatmahayoga) for the welfare of human beings. In the quest of the everlasting, the fountain of the spiritual Mother Energy has always been a source of investigation. Such a search has been carried out through an innumerable ages in Himalayan Region. Nepal has been a sure asset for tapping such energy and has always been a master guide to satisfy such a quench.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013

To sucess in sadhana

One should chant guru mantra 4 rossary daily along with Chaitana mantra one rossary and gayatri mantra one rossary.The mantra are :

Guru mantra
Om param tatwaaaya Narayanaa guruvyo namaha

Chetna mantra

Om hreem mama pran deha rom prati rom chaitanaya jagraye reem om

Gayatri mantra

Om bhu bhurwaysa tat sah biturvaniyam vargodsya dhimahi dhiyo yon prochodayat

Without guru dikshya nobody is allowed to chant these mantra ..

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tripura Shodashi Sundhari Sadhana held on panipat,Hariyana,India

On the occusion of the navarati,Ghatasthapana, param pujiya gurudev gave dikshya of Mahakali ,Chinnamasta and Guru dikshya to many new disciple of panipat and some discilpe were from nepal and some were part of india too.on the day all were teached about the Mahalaksmi sadhana and sadhan related to navaratri.

On obtaining this Diksha the three subtle channels of the Kundalini, namely Ida,Pingala and Sushumna that control the mind, brain and heart are activated. The three spiritual planes BhuBhuvah and Swah have originated from the form of the Goddess, hence she is known as Tripur Sundari.
Through this Diksha one attains fulfilment in all spheres of life besides achieving success in the spiritual field too. If one is not able to achieve success in any Sadhana like Apsara Sadhana, Shiv Sadhana, Veishnnav Sadhana or Sadhana related to any Goddess then through the grace of Mahavidya Tripur sundari one is able to get quick and resounding success.