Save Hindu Religion

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Our Religion

"Give me the faith and devotion,I will give you the completeness-Paramhansa swami Nikhileswor mahaaraj" As we know that, this is a challenging world the Hindu religion gives the fact experiences from the origin of the world to its end .It is one of the oldest and powerful religion through out the world .We the people are being selfish day by day forgetting the religion and running the whole life in money.This is one of the fact why our religion is being going under the extinction.
                                                              From the beginning of the world Our world is classified into Four Era.According to Hindu scriptures, all mortal beings are destined to pass through four great epochs in every cycle of creation and destruction. This divine cycle turns full-circle at the end of what is known as kalpa. A kalpa is a yuga cycle, which is a period of 10,000 divine years, and is divided into four ages or yugas (Sanskrit yuga = age/epoch). According to one calculation, one yuga cycle is estimated to be 4,320,000 years, and one kalpa 4,320,000,000 years.

1.Satya yug
2.Treta Yuga
3.Dwapar Yuga
4.kali yug
                         The four ages symbolize the four phases of involution during which man gradually lost the awareness of his inner selves and subtle bodies. Hinduism believes that human beings have five kinds of bodies, called annamayakosa, pranamayakosa, manomayakosa vignanamayakosa and anandamayakosa, which represent the 'gross body', the 'breath body', the 'psychic body', the 'intelligence body' and the 'bliss body' respectively. Another theory explains these epochs of time on the basis of the degree of loss of righteousness in the world. It says, during Satya Yuga only truth prevailed (Sanskrit Satya = truth), Treta lost ¼ truth, Dwapar lost ½ truth and Kali is left with only ¼ truth. Evil and dishonesty has replaced truth in the last three ages or yugs

Dasavatara: The 10 Avatars

Throughout these four yugas, Lord Vishnu is said to incarnate ten times in ten different avatars. This is known as 'Dasavatara' (Sanskrit dasa = ten). During the Age of Truth, human beings were spiritually most advanced and had great psychic powers. In the Treta Yuga people still remained righteous and adhered to moral ways of life. Lord Rama of the fabled Ramayana lived in Treta Yuga. In the Dwapara Yuga, men had lost all knowledge of the intelligence and bliss bodies. Lord Krishna was born in this age. The present Kali Yuga is the most degenerated of the Hindu epochs.

So we request all the hindu people of the world to support and save our religion.

"We contribute many programme to save our religion,We just need your hand "
                                                       please support by posting comments

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