Save Hindu Religion

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

RE-BIRTH(purba janam)

Purva janam is the re birth of the same aatama, as we know that aatama never dies but our body is useless after death .The aatma may be of good and bad character.The things repeated may be repated in new birth .people doing sadhana in the previous birth ,cannot be sucess in that birth ,may be this birth he may do the sadhana and got sucess in this birth.All religion talks about the purva jananm and no evidence ,fact issues have been found .The american writer peter has finally got conclusion about purvajanma means "para-phychology".According to him Re-birth is true and he got some evidence on it by taking out from differnent religion.Things that cant be contributed on previous birth may be contributed in this birth or the next birth.Sins done in previous birth may follow this birth too in the form of wounds ,Quareel,bad karmas,and diseases."PAAp EETITA PAAP" all this paap can be reduce with the help of sad GURU only .Our Param pujiya gurudev Shree Narayan Datta shremali"Nikhilesworanda maharaj" has given shakipat to that lady who has enoromus curisity to look out in the previous birth .please check it out this video.
We will be further contribute in this topic

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Get contact details"

Please contact Jodhpur Gurudham to place orders for Books, Sadhana Articles, Cassettes etc. by post. Orders may be placed by letter, fax, telephone or email.
There are various Sadhana procedures (Vidhis) for performing same Sadhana. Each issue of Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine has different Sadhana procedure for various Sadhanas. Each Sadhana procedure uses different types of Sadhana materials. The Sadhana materials are prepared according to the Sadhanas published in the magazine issues/books. So, the availability and price of Sadhana packets is dependent on the individual Sadhana Procedure.
Always include your complete postal address while sending letter/fax/email as sometimes response is sent by postal email. Please note that letters/faxes/emails without postal address might not be entertained.
All the Sadhna articles (Photographs, Rosaries, Yantras etc.) are consecrated and energised by our pundits during auspicious moments for particular Sadhna. We do "Prana Prathistha" of all the Sadhna articles and make them more energised by performing specific "Cheitanya Pooja" on all the articles. So, the chances of success in the Sadhna are increased manifold.
The chances of success in Sadhanas are increased manifold by taking Diksha as during Diksha, Revered Gurudev transfers a part of His own spiritual penance power into the disciple to steer him towards success. Guru Diksha is the basic foundation for spiritual and material success. You need to take Guru Diksha before performing any Sadhana or other Diksha.
There is no need to take any appointment to meet Pujya Gurudev. Some specific days are reserved every month for meeting Pujya Gurudev. You may meet Pujya Gurudev on these meeting dates. You may also meet Pujya Gurudev at Sadhana Camps.
The "Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan" magazine has now been replaced with three sister magazines. These magazine are
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In Nepal
Antarastriya Siddhasmram Sadhak Pariwar
Kalikasthan,Delli bazar kathmandu ,Nepal(At sanskriti vahwan)

"All these are possible by taking Dikshya"

The Secrets of Diksha
Why is Diksha obligatory for a disciple ?
What are the fundamental basics of a Diksha ?
What is the significance of the various Dikshas ?
Which Diksha should I take ?
Please click here for another article containing details of various Dikshas.
Another article on Shaktipaat Diksha is listed here.
Diksha is a unique and rare process of making the life of a disciple more pure, more enlightened and more successful. Generally a human being remains under the sway of bad karmas of past lives which do not allow him to make the desired level of progress in spite of hard work and sincere efforts.
In such cases nothing can work better than Dikshas to remove the baneful effects of past Karmas and propel a Sadhak onwards on the path of success. Just as a cloth has to be washed thoroughly to free it of stubborn stains similarly Diksha is a method adopted by a Guru to free the disciple of his mental, physchological and physical drawbacks so that he could make good progress with a free mind in the spheres of spiritualism and materialism.
Diksha is the foundation of a disciple, fuel of the spiritual life, completeness of the mind, basis of the fusion with Shiva and the path to reach one's destination.
This type of soul has three shackles-body, age and pleasure, which can be completely subdued by the help of Diksha. New energy can be transferred into the Sadhak, thus enlightening him and helping him in the success of Sadhnas and the realisation of God.
Diyate Gyan Sadbhavan Shiyate Pashu Bhaavana,
Danshapan Sanyukta Diksha Teneh Keertita.
i.e. The act, by which teachings are given and by which all kinds of animal instincts are demolished, which is granted by Gurudev in charity is known as Diksha.
What actually is Diksha?
It is a subtle transfer of the divine energy of a Guru into the heart, soul and body of a disciple. This pure energy initiates a process of change in the person which ultimately leads to destruction of all evil and negative tendencies, and spurt of creative and positive powers which encourage him to strive for the highest and best in both the spiritual and material fields.
When the Guru gives Diksha a flow of energy takes place from Him to the disciple, which can be in any form - spoken words in the form of Mantras, subtle radiation emitted from the eyes or gentle warmth from a touch on the forehead with the thumb. But the Sadguru is not limited to these means. Instead He can transfer His energy across continents and give Diksha through the medium of a photograph as well.
But Diksha cannot be had so easily as it seems. Firstly only when one's good luck is running does one have the inclination to go in for spiritual initiation. Then secondly one has to find or come across a real Guru who can transform one's life. And even if one does one has to devote oneself fully to benefit from the Diksha.
Diksha is Important
Diksha Moolo Japah,Sarvah Diksha Moolam Param Tapah.
Diksha Mashoitey Nirset Yatra Kutrashrame Vasan.
(Kularnav Tantra)
Diksha is the foundation of every kind of worship and penance, therefore a Sadhak must always avoid long methods and adopt the easy way. Receiving Diksha is such a way. A Guru who cannot grant Diksha is not fit to be a Guru, he is a fraud. An Ashram without the tradition of Diksha is just like a desert. Unless there is arrangement of transferring spiritual energy, it cannot be called an Ashram. A real Guru is the one who knows the methods of Diksha, because it is the only power which transfers knowledge and wisdom into the disciple. Even though he is sinful, he is freed from all bondages.
Dikshya Moksha Deepen Chandalopi Vimuchayate
-Kularnav Tantra
In fact Diksha is the greatest treasure, boon of life, basis of the fusion with Shiva and a system by which a human being transforms into Maheshwar. The Sadhak not only achieves divinity, but also gets Gurudev's power.
Diksha, initiates the flow of true life
What is meant by Guru? The task of the Guru is to fuse himself with the soul of the disciple, so that his inner faults are demolished as quickly as possible, thus converting him into an enlightened being. The Guru can do this either by preaching, by giving Diksha or by the transfer of energy.
First of all the Guru preaches about the original state of the disciple. In fact the disciple is full of faults and sins. He is totally impure. His soul is affected by all such shackles. As a result he comes under the influence of Maya, which is a barrier to his success in Sadhna and realisation of God. The Guru shows us that such kind of animal life is useless. The God has given us human form not to waste our life, but to know our potentialities. Only by wisdom can we understand how to make our life holy and sanctified. This wisdom itself is known as Diksha.
Diksha: A process of purifying life
Now a question arises, what the disciple must do to receive Diksha and the steps by which he must proceed? Is it necessary to take Diksha periodically or only one Diksha is enough?
Can the Sadhaks given to pleasure make their lives pure?
Can people living in adverse circumstances free themselves from the bondages of attachment, pleasure and sin?
Can a person avoid doing undesirable deeds?
It is not at all possible for a normal person to avoid such things. He has to literally struggle for the achievement of worldly happiness. He cannot live on wild-berries in a jungle. It is his wish to perform pure Sadhnas and to be successful in them, even when he is living in adverse atmosphere.
He wants to make his ambition come true with the help of Sadhnas.
It is possible because whenever the disciple thinks about Sadhna, it is clear that he has respect for Gurudev, has faith in the energy of Mantra and the techniques of Tantra, and thus wants to place, their fused energy i.e. Yantra, in his house, so that his wealth and success increase.
I have already cleared that Diksha is the greatest boon of our life, a charity given by Guru which is useful in laying the foundation and upbringing of life.
Diksha is differentiated into three categories according to the Tantra scriptures:
1. Shambhvi Diksha
2. Shaakt Diksha
3. Mantri Diksha
But these Dikshas are only suitable for people who have devoted their lives to Tantra. Hence they cannot lead a family life.
What path should the worldly people follow?
The right and perfect balance between Siddhi and Pleasure (Bhog) can be attained only by following the path shown by the Sadguru because people related to one's life intentionally or unintentionally interfere into the personal life due to which the power of the Sadhna or its effects become feeble and minimised and success in the Sadhna keeps eluding.
The disciples should keep obtaining Dikshas in the same sequence as given in Shastras, because each Diksha helps in sanctifying a part of his soul and this must be continued until all of some specific Dikshas are obtained namely- The Ten Mahavidya Dikshas - including Kamala, Kali, Matangi and Tara etc. For accomplishing the Sadhnas of the Mahavidyas, obtaining their individual Dikshas is essential, because during the Diksha the Guru transfers to his disciple a part of his infinite divine powers which help in the awakening of the dormant Shakti (energy) in the disciple.
Stages of Diksha
The first Diksha a Guru gives is called Guru diksha in which the Master takes upon Himself all responsibility of the disciple. But this is in now way a one way process. If the Guru assumes total responsibility it also becomes the duty of the disciple to devote himself fully in the feet of the Guru, to immerse himself in His love, to have full faith in Him and to regularly chant the Guru Mantra given by the Guru as specified by Him. This might seem a very easy thing to do but it is most challenging to keep up with this practice lifelong. And this regular spiritual communication proves to be a very subtle yet strong link between the disciple and the Guru through which all desires, problems, thoughts of the disciple are conveyed to the Guru and thus it enables Him to transmit solutions, suggestions and warnings regarding future dangers back to the disciple.
The more one devotes one self in the Guru after having had this Diksha the more benefit one gets of the immense divine powers of the Guru.
Then besides Guru Diksha the master can give many more Dikshas depending on what specific problem one faces in life or what sort of success one desires in life. Among some of such Dikshas are Lakshmi Diksha for wealth, Manokamna Poorti Diksha for fulfilment of wishes, Kundalini Jagran Diksha for spiritual upliftment and activation of Kundalini, Kayakalp Diksha for perfect health, Sheeghra Vivah Diksha for quick marriage, Sammohan Diksha for a hypnotic personality, Karya Safalta Diksha for success in some particular task, Sarva Baadha Nivarann Diksha for riddance from specific problems, Shatru Daman Diksha for victory over foes in disputes etc.
Thus it can be seen that there are Dikshas for all purposes and through them the Guru transfers a particular type of power which enables the disciple to overcome the very problem he faces.
The power transferred by the Guru also acts in another manner when it nullifies the evil effects of his past Karmas, bad stars or misfortune that are causing him or her trouble. And once this happens then not only is the problem easily solved rather one makes swift progress in life.
Besides Sadhanas for material gains there are Dikshas for the specific purpose of spiritual upliftment too. Such Dikshas ensure success in Sadhanas and Mantra rituals and could enable one to have the divine glimpse of one's deity.
But this does not imply that once the disciple obtains Diksha, he should feel that now rest of the task, of soul awakening, is of the Guru and neither should he start to lead a life of indulgence. Just as a body is cleansed daily by taking a bath, the same way in order to cleanse the soul and to enlighten it, it is necessary to keep obtaining new Dikshas.
When a Guru feels that his disciple wants to get success in Sadhna through his continuous service for the Guru and he has also performed some Sadhna practices but due to certain reasons he is not getting success in his Sadhna.
The reason for his failure may be the influence of his previous life or he may be committing some kind of error during Sadhna or he may not have concentrated his mind thoroughly during Sadhna, necessary for success. In a nut shell this implies that the disciple is facing failure in his Sadhna due to some obscure reasons and his body has not yet attained as much spiritual strength as is essential for the achievement of success.
In that situation, a Guru with his kind grace imparts in his disciple, forcibly, some power of penance and spiritual strength assimilated in his own body so that the disciple is able to achieve full success or Siddhi in the field of Sadhna practices.
Shaktipaat Diksha
This procedure of transferring the spiritual power is termed as Shaktipaat. This procedure is not so easy as it appears. A Guru also acquires spiritual power with tenacious efforts and then accumulates it inside his body. This procedure of transfer of spiritual strength can be accomplished only by a Guru, whose intention is to uplift his disciple in every aspect, to provide him totality and to give him strength so that the disciple can emerge successful in his Sadhna and can realise the authencity of Mantra and Tantra. The disciple can also conquer his material obstacles through his divine powers and in this way can attain fulfillment in his life.
Shaktipaat Diksha is one of the most powerful forms of Diksha. The Guru through His gaze or by touch of His thumb on the Third Eye of a disciple activates certain points in this part which enable the latter to gain much in the area related to that particular point.
There are actually 32 subtle points on the spot known as the Third Eye on the forehead. 16 of these relate to spiritual accomplishments and 16 to material accomplishments. Very similarly there are 16 points of each in the Thumb of the Guru and by matching similar points in His thumb and on the forehead of the disciple Guru can activate all or some points and bestow specific benefits on the disciple by making some of His energy to flow into a specific point or points.
Only the Guru knows well which point has to be pressed in which way so as to help the disciple gain what he wishes to. This process is actually nothing but the Guru's method of transmitting His divine energy through the Third Eye into specific centre's on the Kundalini of the Sadhak. Every centre of the Kundalini has special powers and if even one capability is awakened it can prove enough to make a disciple uniquely successful in life.
Diksha: when and which
There are no auspicious or inauspicious moments as far as the Guru is concerned and whenever a person approaches Him with full faith and some problem to be solved a true Guru would never hesitate to give Diksha. But as far as the disciple is concerned for him the best moments are when he has fully devoted himself in the Guru, for then if he obtains some Diksha he is able to imbibe the flow of energy fully.
Also although one should feel free to relate one's problems openly to the Guru, yet it is always better to let the Guru decide which Diksha would suit one the best because a Guru can easily peer into the future and He would be more aware than the disciple how the latter should be equipped to tackle the current problem and those that might arise in the future.
Although Guru Diksha links one subtly to the Guru's soul still from time to time one should personally meet the Guru even though one might not be facing any problem. And if the Guru suggests some Dikshas it means that He wishes to prepare you for some future eventuality. So never hesitate to take the Diksha even though at present you might not feel it to be necessary.
Without doubt Diksha is the greatest boon of life and through it one can not just fulfil one's worldly wishes rather one could also attain divinity. Another very important purpose of Diksha is to ensure success in Sadhanas or Mantra rituals.
If one has had Diksha before one starts some Mantra or Tantra Sadhana then success becomes 99% assured, for the Guru takes upon Himself the responsibility of making one succeed. By putting in just 1% effort one could thus achieve success in a Sadhana amazingly fast.
The boons of Dikshas are limitless and one could go on enumerating them till ever. In short this is a quick, easy and unfailing path to success and glory in life provided of course one has unmoving faith in the Guru and His powers.
The Diksha is granted free of cost by Pujya Gurudev. The prayer expenses money goes towards charitable causes through Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali Foundation International Charitable Trust Society.
Guru Diksha is the initial, starting base. Special Diksha means that you can get your desires and wishes fulfilled through it - like getting rich, famous, popular, getting a good life partner, good children etc. In short whatever you wish for can be fulfilled only through special Diksha. However, taking Diksha once is not enough. One might need to take Dikshas again and again to achieve success, as each time, it will remove some past bad karmas and one might have a big stock of past bad karmas. It is preferable to take Diksha in person, but taking Diksha on a photograph also has some good effects. The scriptures have quoted many different Dikshas covering the variety of spheres in life. Different people, with different desires and wishes can take recourse to different types of initiation. Each Diksha has many stages. Some of these Dikshas are-
1. Guru Diksha becoming a disciple through the first initiation.
2. Gyan Diksha to attain extraordinary knowledge and increase in brilliance.
3. Jeevan Marg Diksha to make the life lively.
4. Shambhavi Diksha to attain "Shivamaya" after receiving "Shivatava".
5. Chakra Jagran Diksha a Diksha to awaken all "Shata Chakras" (six chakras).
6. Vidya Diksha to transform an ordinary child into intelligent being.
7. Shishyabhishek Diksha complete surrender of oneself to become a perfect disciple.
8. Aacharyabhishek Diksha to attain the totality of knowledge.
9. Kundalini Jagran Diksha An extraordinary personality can be attained by this Diksha having seven stages.
10. Garbhastha Shishu Chaitanaya Diksha To enlighten an offspring in the womb.
11. Shaktipat Yukt Kundalini Jagran Diksha Transferring of Guru's Tapa-Energy into the disciple's body to attain the "Ultimate Truth" of the life.
12. Kundalini Jagran Diksha through a photograph Kundalini Jagran Diksha is attained on a photograph of a disciple.
13. Dhanvantri Diksha to attain the perfect state of health.
14. Sabar Diksha to get success in a Tantrik Sadhana.
15. Sammohan Diksha to acquire extraordinary attraction in the body.
16. Sampoorn Sammohan Diksha to acquire the art of attracting everyone.
17. Mahalakshmi Diksha to get the monetary benefits and attaining prosperity.
18. Kanakdhara Diksha a Diksha for incessant flow of money.
19. Ashta Lakshmi Diksha a special Diksha to get unusual opulence.
20. Kuber Diksha to attain the riches and prosperity permanently.
21. Indra Vaibhav Diksha to attain fame and wealth.
22. Shatru Samharak Diksha to overcome the enemies.
23. Apsara Diksha to Siddh (to control) an Apsara.
24. Rin Mukti Diksha to get rid of debts.
25. Shatopanthi Diksha to attain the extraordinary power of the Lord Shiva.
26. Chaitanaya Diksha a Diksha to invigorate and to attain full enlightenment.
27. Urvasi Diksha to attain youthfulness and get rid of aging.
28. Sondaryottama Diksha to increase the beauty.
29. Menaka Diksha to attain the physical success in life.
30. Swarnprabha Yakshini Diksha to get the unanticipated money.
31. Poorna Vaibhav Diksha to get all types of luxuries and wealth.
32. Gandharva Diksha to attain perfection in music.
33. Sadhana Diksha to link the previous birth Sadhana to this birth.
34. Tantra Diksha to get success in Tantrik Sadhanas.
35. Baglamukhi Diksha to overcome the enemies.
36. Raseshwari Diksha to attain perfection in chemistry and mercury science.
37. Aghor Diksha to get full success in Shiv Sadhanas.
38. Shighra Vivaha Diksha for early marriage.
39. Sammohan Diksha an important Diksha having three stages.
40. Veer Diksha to do the Veer Sadhana.
41. Sondarya Diksha to attain the rare beauty.
42. Jagdamba Siddhi Diksha to please the goddess Jagdamba.
43. Brahma Diksha to attain the divine powers.
44. Swasthaya Diksha to attain the disease free health.
45. Karna Pisachini Diksha to know the past and present of an individual.
46. Sarpa Diksha to get rid of snake bite and life security from it.
47. Navarna Diksha to siddha (control) the Tripower (Trishakti).
48. Garbhastha Shishu Kundalinin Jagran Diksha Offspring in a womb gets the samskars of a Superhuman.
49. Chaakshusmati Diksha to increase the eye vision.
50. Kaal Gyan Diksha to attain the knowledge of Time (Kaal).
51. Tara Yogini Diksha to get the unexpected money.
52. Rog Nivaran Diksha to get rid of all the diseases.
53. Poornatava Diksha a Diksha to attain the Totality in the life.
54. Vaayu Diksha to make oneself as light as air.
55. Kritya Diksha to attain the Siddhi (to control) to ruin somebody completely.
56. Bhoot Diksha a Diksha to control ghosts completely.
57. Aagya Chakra Jagran Diksha to attain the rare vision.
58. General Vaital Diksha to get control over Vaital.
59. Special Vaital Diksha to get control over Vaital completely.
60. Panchanguli Diksha to get perfection in the palmistry.
61. Anang Rati Diksha to attain beauty and youth power.
62. Krishanatava Guru Diksha to get the powers of the spiritual masters of the world.
63. Hairamb Diksha to please the Lord Ganapati.
64. Haadi-Kaadi Diksha to get control over sleep, hunger and thirst.
65. Aayurved Diksha to attain special distinction in the field of Aayurved.
66. Varahmihir Diksha to attain special distinction in the field of Astrology.
67. Tantrokta Guru Diksha to get the powers from the spiritual Master (guru).
68. Garbha Chayan Diksha to get the desired pregnancy.
69. Nikhileshwaranand Diksha to get special powers of Sanyasi.
70. Deerghaayu Diksha to get a big span of life.
71. Aakash gaman Diksha The soul travels in the sky by this Diksha.
72. Nirbeej Diksha to end the shackles of life, death and Karma.
73. Kriya Yog Diksha to attain the knowledge of Jeeva (soul) and Brahma.
74. Siddhashram Pravesh Diksha paves the way to enter into Siddhashram.
75. Sodash Apsara Diksha to get every type of comfort and wealth in the life.
76. Shodasi Diksha a diksha for attaining sixteen Kalas "Tripur Sundari " Sadhana.
77. Brahmanand Diksha to attain the knowledge of infinite secrets of the Universe.
78. Paashupaateya Diksha to fuse oneself with the Lord Shiva.
79. Kapila Yogini Diksha to get control over Kapila Yogini.
80. Ganapati Diksha to please the Lord Ganapati and getting their special blessings.
81. Vaagdevi Diksha to get the capacity to speak profoundly.
In reality it is only by good fate that a person is able to get Diksha, and he/she are initiated into a process of coming close to his Guru by obeying His instructions.
One should become the disciple of such Guru and get various Dikshas from Him so that the completeness of the soul and the life can be attained, which are the actual manifestations of the process of getting Diksha.

About hypnotism

What is hypnotising? Is it possible ? Who can hypnotise ?

Hypnotising is in fact mind controll.We simply can controll othes mind by using differrent sadhanas .Our param pujiya gurudev Shree shree Nikhilesworanada maharaj Dr.Naryan datta shremali have written several books like "Hypnotism","100 ways to practise hypnotism".The book "hypnotism is the encylopedia in which we ,sadhak cam practise and perform the hypnotism.Different yantra and mantra are also used while doing hypnotism but among them one of the best way is to practise "Aantar man siddhi".By which we sadhak can achieve huge sucess in hpnotism .its a nearly one month sadhana and we can get all knowledge from the book.
                                                                                                Taking about hpnotism "parad mudrika" is one of the excellent yantra which simply hpnotise other and i am the one who have these experience .The "parad" is one of the purest and it is made solid by differnent parad sanskar .mentioned by param pujiya gurudev "Gorakhnath",a founder of mantra ,tantra and yantra in this kaliyug.The first one is the book second is parad mudrika and third one is the mohini malla.We will be further providing knowledge about this..

             हिप्नोटिक शक्ति 

मानब मे एक बिसेस प्रकार कि उर्जा और चुमबिक्य शक्ति हे और एस शक्ति के मध्यम से हि मानब ईत्नआ रहस्मय बन स्क हे .हिप्नोटिक शक्ति के मुख्य केन्द्र मनुष्य कि आँखे और उआङ्ग्लिय के सिर होता हे
उदहारण हे के लिए आप आपने सिर के बाल तोड कर लटका दिज्ये ,इस बात के ध्यान होना चैहिये कि उआस पर हावा के प्रवाब से हिल सके आब आप आपने दाहिने हात कि किसी वि उंगली को उस बल के सिर के पास धीरे धीरे ले जहिये आप देखेंगे कि कुच दुरी रहेने पर बल किच कर उंगली से चिपक जता हे ठिक उसी प्रकार ,जिस प्रकार से चुम्बक कि लोहे कि किल को आपने और किचता हे.

जाब बेक्ती आपने किसी प्रिये क चिन्तन कर्ता हे या उसके बारे मे सोचता हे तो उसका सर सरिर मे एक बिसेस चुम्बकिये बिद्धुत से प्रवबित होने लगत हे और उसके अर सरिर मे झनझनहत  सी दौड जति हे ,ये झंझानाहात विधुत क बेग हे .कै बार हाथ्यो कि उंग्लियो मे ये झनझनात अनुव्हब  होता हे,
हम कै बार द्देखते है कि किसी प्रेमिका को जब आचानक उसका प्रेमी दिखई दे जता हे तो उसके चेहेरे लाल हो जति हे और आँखो मे ललाई सी छा जति हे ,जो दुसरे को बर्बस आप्नी और आकर्सित कार्ति  हे कोइ वि मादाकिसी वि नर को आकर्सित कर्ने के लिए इसी चुम्बकिये शक्ति क सहर लेती हे ,इसी प्रकार जब कोइ पुरुस किसी नारी को आकर्षित कर्ने कि सोचता हे तो उसके सरिर से एक बिसेस प्रकार कि चुमब्किये शक्ति पैदा हो जाति हे और उस समय उसका सारा सरिर एक बिसेस प्रकार आकर्षण से उक्त हो जता हे .  
एक छोटे  प्रयोग से मे आप्नी बात को स्पस्ट कर्ण चौङ्ग ,किसी सोस्थ्य बेक्ती को देख कर आप गम्बिरता से आपने हात कि उंगली को उसके लालट के पास या उसके सिर के पास ले जेए और धीरे धीरे गोल गोल घुमैये ,दो मिनेट मे बाद येदि आप उसे पुछेंगे तो वो बतायेगा कि उसके सिर मे दर्द हो रहा हे,कै बार तो आप के पुछ्ने से पहले वो सिर दर्द बाट देता हे ,ये सिर दर्द आपके द्वारा उंगली के सिर से चुम्बकिये विधुत निकला कर उसके लालट पर या सिर पर प्रकार कर्ने कि वोजहा से होने लगत हे .
किसी -किसी बेक्ती के सरिर मे ये चुम्बक्ये शक्ति जयद होती हे ,फल्स्वोरूप ,वो लोगो मे ज्यादा लोकप्रिय होता हे ,जिसमे ये शक्ति जयद होती हे ,उसे पूर्ण पुरुस kaha जता हे.

जाब बेक्ती आपने किसी प्रिये क चिन्तन कर्ता हे या उसके बारे मे सोचता हे तो उसका सर सरिर मे एक बिसेस चुम्बकिये बिद्धुत से प्रवबित होने लगत हे और उसके अर सरिर मे झनझनहत  सी दौड जति हे ,ये झंझानाहात विधुत क बेग हे .कै बार हाथ्यो कि उंग्लियो मे ये झनझनात अनुव्हब  होता हे,
हम कै बार द्देखते है कि किसी प्रेमिका को जब आचानक उसका प्रेमी दिखई दे जता हे तो उसके चेहेरे लाल हो जति हे और आँखो मे ललाई सी छा जति हे ,जो दुसरे को बर्बस आप्नी और आकर्सित कार्ति  हे कोइ वि मादाकिसी वि नर को आकर्सित कर्ने के लिए इसी चुम्बकिये शक्ति क सहर लेती हे ,इसी प्रकार जब कोइ पुरुस किसी नारी को आकर्षित कर्ने कि सोचता हे तो उसके सरिर से एक बिसेस प्रकार कि चुमब्किये शक्ति पैदा हो जाति हे और उस समय उसका सारा सरिर एक बिसेस प्रकार आकर्षण से उक्त हो जता हे .

Too be continued..

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Beleive us

We will help you to solve your problem via mantra ,yantra ,tantra and vedic and yoga vidi .so please mail us .We are planning to add all yantras,books ,yoga vidi and mantra .Be a self dependent ,you can chant mantra that really works without any effect.Please be free to feel to contact with us.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Learn about hindu Mantra

Know about mantras

We found many mantra in internet but they are not working due to misspell or they are only for knowledge but we are providing 100% sabar mantras ,which work effectively.
About Guru
Guru is a guide who can understand all one's problems and suggest Mantras with the help of which one could get rid of all problems. Mantra is a divine combination of divine syllables or sounds which when chanted with devotion,faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or deity and secure their divine blessings. For divine help one must link with divine forces but majority of humans are unaware of these forces and have no link whatsoever. But when an individual starts chanting Mantra related to a particular deity regularly the gap between him and the concerned divine force steadily decreases. By regular use of Mantra a subtle link is formed and through this one could then obtain any desired boon within the power of the deity. One could obtain wealth, prosperity, fame, fearlessness, success and spiritual upliftment, but for each a different Mantra is chanted and a different deity propitiated. A Mantra is a special set of words through only that particular deity could be summoned. If I write or speak in Chinese you won't be able to understand and my words will not produce any effect. But if I speak the language you know its effect shall be with doubt. Praying to these deities in one's language won't help much but if one uses the words that they can understand the result shall be instant. We can find out different mantras in internet yet they are not 100% efficient ,they are just for knowledge but we are providing some are :
Guru Mantra
Chetana Mantra
Gayatri Mantra
Guru Brahma Mantra To gain spiritual upliftment
Ganpati Prayer Mantra
Chintamani Ganpati MantraTo remove all problems in life
Lakshmi Vinaayak MantraFor all round Progress in life
Ganpati MantraFor Sound Physique
Kaamya Ganpati MantraFor fulfilment of wishes
Uchhisht Ganpati Mantra For riddance from effect of evil rituals/black magic
Sumukh Ganpati Mantra To obtain physical beauty and magnetism in personality
Lord Kuber Mantra To gain wealth, fortune, comforts and prosperity ssue
Goddess Kanakdhara Mantra For wealth and prosperity
ShreeYantra Mantra To gain Wealth
Vyapaar Lakshmi Mantra For success in business
MahaLakshmi Mantra For Wealth and Prosperity
Lord Siddheshwar Shiv Mantra For fulfilment of wishes
Lord Gorishwar Shiv Mantra For fortune, Beauty and Wealth
Lord Paardeshwar Shiv Mantra To worship Paarad (Solidified Mercury) Shivaling and to fulfil one's wishes
Mahamritunjay Mantra To overcome diseases, mishaps and fear of untimely death.
Lord Paashupataastrey Mantra For Success in Sadhanas and good luck
Lord Rudra Mantra For a healthy body and happy mind
Lord Raameshwaram Shiv Mantra To obtain wealth and success in task
Kaamnaa Siddhi Mantra For fulfilment of one's wishes through the divine grace of Lord Shiva
Goddess MahaKali Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya

Goddess Tara Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya
Goddess Shodashi Tripur Sundari Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya
Goddess Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya
Goddess Chhinmasta Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya
Goddess Tripur Bheiravi Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya
Goddess Matangi Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya
Goddess Kamala Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya (Various issues/books)
Goddess Dhoomavati Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya (Various issues/books)
Goddess Baglamukhi Mahavidya Mantra Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity viz Mahavidya (Various issues/books)
Navarann Mantra For all round success
Aapad Uddharak Batuk Bheirav Mantra For Solutions to problems of life
Unmatt Bheirav Mantra For the ill and the childless ill
Kaal Bheirav Mantra For Allaying fear of foes, accidents and death
Planet Sun Mantra To obtain all round success
Planet Jupiter Mantra To obtain all round success
Planet Rahu Mantra To obtain all round success
Planet Ketu Mantra To obtain all round success
Planet Mars Mantra To obtain all round success
Planet Moon Mantra To obtain all round success
Planet Saturn Mantra To obtain all round success
Planet Venus Mantra To obtain all round success
Planet Mercury Mantra To obtain all round success
Apsara Rambha Mantra For manifestation of Apsara and fulfilment of wishes
Apsara Anangmekhla Mantra For manifestation of Apsara and fulfilment of wishes
Apsara Pushpdeha Mantra For manifestation of Apsara and fulfilment of wishes
Shodash Yogini Mantra To obtain success in every field
Hypnotism Keshav Mantra To Hypnotise by grace of Lord Krishna
Govind Mantra For fulfilment of wishes
Madhusoodan Mantra For riddance from enemies
Mahabaahu Mantra To obtain physical strength
Lord Hanuman Protection Mantra For protection from all diseases, dangers and misfortunes in future
Lord Hanuman Success Mantra For Success in Tasks
Lord Hanuman Manifestation Mantra Ritual for Manifestation
Lord Hanuman Confidence Mantra To Boost your Selfconfidence
Lord Kartikeya Mantra To Remove all misfortune
Mantra to Remove Obstacles
Mantra for Honourable Social Status
Mantra for Realisation of God issue
Mantra to Conquer Enemy
Muladhar Chakra Jagran Mantra For Activation of Muladhar Chakra
Swaddhistthan Chakra Jagran Mantra For activation of Swaddhistthan Chakra
Manipur Chakra Jagran Mantra For activation of Manipur Chakra
Anahat Chakra Jagran Mantra For activation of Anahat Chakra
Vishuddh Chakra Jagran Mantra For Activation of Vishuddh Chakra
Aagya Chakra Jagran Mantra For Activation of Aagya Chakra
Sahastrahaar Chakra Jagran Mantra For Activation of Sahastrahaar Chakra These words are the Mantras evolved by Rishis and Yogis who actually prepared them and used them to prove their worth. Over the ages these have helped thousands of Sadhaks achieve even that which appeared impossible to them. Within doubt that whose chanting fulfils one's wish is a Mantra.
For more details visit at

Our Religion

"Give me the faith and devotion,I will give you the completeness-Paramhansa swami Nikhileswor mahaaraj" As we know that, this is a challenging world the Hindu religion gives the fact experiences from the origin of the world to its end .It is one of the oldest and powerful religion through out the world .We the people are being selfish day by day forgetting the religion and running the whole life in money.This is one of the fact why our religion is being going under the extinction.
                                                              From the beginning of the world Our world is classified into Four Era.According to Hindu scriptures, all mortal beings are destined to pass through four great epochs in every cycle of creation and destruction. This divine cycle turns full-circle at the end of what is known as kalpa. A kalpa is a yuga cycle, which is a period of 10,000 divine years, and is divided into four ages or yugas (Sanskrit yuga = age/epoch). According to one calculation, one yuga cycle is estimated to be 4,320,000 years, and one kalpa 4,320,000,000 years.

1.Satya yug
2.Treta Yuga
3.Dwapar Yuga
4.kali yug
                         The four ages symbolize the four phases of involution during which man gradually lost the awareness of his inner selves and subtle bodies. Hinduism believes that human beings have five kinds of bodies, called annamayakosa, pranamayakosa, manomayakosa vignanamayakosa and anandamayakosa, which represent the 'gross body', the 'breath body', the 'psychic body', the 'intelligence body' and the 'bliss body' respectively. Another theory explains these epochs of time on the basis of the degree of loss of righteousness in the world. It says, during Satya Yuga only truth prevailed (Sanskrit Satya = truth), Treta lost ¼ truth, Dwapar lost ½ truth and Kali is left with only ¼ truth. Evil and dishonesty has replaced truth in the last three ages or yugs

Dasavatara: The 10 Avatars

Throughout these four yugas, Lord Vishnu is said to incarnate ten times in ten different avatars. This is known as 'Dasavatara' (Sanskrit dasa = ten). During the Age of Truth, human beings were spiritually most advanced and had great psychic powers. In the Treta Yuga people still remained righteous and adhered to moral ways of life. Lord Rama of the fabled Ramayana lived in Treta Yuga. In the Dwapara Yuga, men had lost all knowledge of the intelligence and bliss bodies. Lord Krishna was born in this age. The present Kali Yuga is the most degenerated of the Hindu epochs.

So we request all the hindu people of the world to support and save our religion.

"We contribute many programme to save our religion,We just need your hand "
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